Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Iraq Post 2

Sorry for the formatting on the entry. I have no experience with how to use blogspot. I am not going to re-enter them though, due to the fact that it took 1 hour to upload them with my blazing internet connection. As of right now I have been in Iraq for 20.5 days and have completed 10% of my deployment!!!! The days literally fly by over here. I have been flying twice a day. When I first arrived the weather was beautiful. 50 degrees at night and 80-90 degrees during the day. Now we still have nice weather at night but it is usually 100+ degrees by noon. In the coming week or two it is suppose to be up into the 120-130 range. I am told it feels like your standing in an oven with someone blowing a hair dryer on you and sprinkling sand while doing so. FUN. The pictures above are of of me and my first student. Victory Over America Palace that Saddam had built after his "Victory" over America in the first Gulf War. The other Palace belonged to a family...whom Saddam at first asked to have it from. When they refused, he took them and fed them to the tigers, lions, and other wild game and the Baghdad Zoo. Nice guy huh? He then made man made lakes/ponds around each of them so he could put his yacht in them. Did i mention that he filled them with the city's limited supply of potable drinking water. The other pics are from my sweet living quarters. While 90% of the people on base live in large tents, i get this. The call our little living area Golden Boy Village......I'm okay with that. Well...that's about it for now. Shoot me an email if you have time to let me know what is going on in your life. Also, to correct the previous Skype account is under the screen name of ttbaby83 if interested in Skyping.


  1. Sweet pics Pat! Will have to skype you sometime soon!!

  2. Hey Patty! I am so glad you are doing this blog. It's nice to be able to see how you are doing! It's been forever since I last spoke with you. Hope all is going well. I will be praying for you!!!
